Year abroad student in Germany becomes ‘European Ambassador’!

Cara Bebbington, a single honours German student, wrote in this week with some exciting news:
‘I am studying German in Würzburg as an undergraduate student of Swansea University, Wales. Prior to my arrival at the university of Würzburg, I researched the different opportunities that would be available to me, and the prospect to take part in the European Ambassador Programme, which has meetings with fellow academics with the benefit of a scholarship, was appealing. I applied by handing in my CV and a letter of motivation and then shortly before relocating to Germany, I received a confirmation email that I had been selected as one of 11 ambassadors. The European Ambassador Programme is made up of international students from all over Europe, who attend lectures, speeches and debates of several different topics, with an expectation that ambassadors will take part by voicing their opinions. The idea came about because of the large international community in Würzburg (30,000 students live in Würzburg). It is therefore a great opportunity for me to learn about the city in which I am living, as well as the surrounding countries. So far I have attended two events for the programme and I have already learned so much. It has not only enhanced my German linguistic skills, but also given me a greater understanding of the cultural differences of the surrounding countries through conversing with the other ambassadors. We, the selected ambassadors, also try to arrange weekly social meetings, such as dinner in a restaurant, to discuss about the project and voice our ideas.’


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